IEEE ICC 2012 Keynote Speakers Program
Thursday, June 14 from 10:45 to 11:20
Next Generation Internet: Architectures for Future Internet Evolution
Raj Jain, Professor,
Washington University, St-Louis
Thursday June 14, 2012
10:45 to 11:20
Raj Jain
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Washington University in Saint Louis, USA
Next Generation Internet: Architectures for Future Internet Evolution
Industry as well as academia is working to improve the Internet architecture that was designed over forty years ago. The main problem that industry is facing is that the routers have become too complex and too expensive. Software defined networking and network virtualization are seen as solutions to this problem. The emergence of Cloud computing and smart phones have resulted in significant changes to the traffic and applications on the Internet. Social networking, personalized searches, recommendation based online shopping, online banking, and other similar personalized services form the bulk of the traffic over the Internet today. Application service providers (ASPs) will benefit from an architecture that is easier to manage and optimize for their globally distributed computing resources. These trends and proposed solutions including our own research in this area will be presented.
Biography: Raj Jain is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of ACM, a winner of ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time award, CDAC-ACCS Foundation Award 2009, Hind Rattan Award 2011, and ranks among the top 70 in CiteseerX's list of Most Cited Authors in Computer Science. Dr. Jain is currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Previously, he was one of the Co-founders of Nayna Networks, Inc - a next generation telecommunications systems company in San Jose, CA. He was a Senior Consulting Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation, and then a professor of Computer and Information Sciences at Ohio State University. He is the author or editor of 10 books including “Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis,» which won the 1991 “Best-Advanced How-to Book, Systems” award from Computer Press Association and “High-Performance TCP/IP: Concepts, Issues, and Solutions,” published by Prentice Hall in November 2003. He is a co-editor of “Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management,” published in April 2010. Raj Jain serves on the advisory boards of DOCOMO Innovations, Inc., San Jose, CA and InBay Technology Solutions, Inc, San Jose, CA.